Our factory was founded Yahya GENÇ by in 2008, FAY feed mill on 25/05/2010 according to the decree on the No. 556 decree law on the protection of the trademark is registered the brand, and began producing high-quality animal feed. are monitored by computerized automation control in every stage of production and forage quality standard are manufactured in a way the law. Hourly 22 tons / hour of feed powder, 18 tons / hour of feed pellets 18 tons / hour to krambıl feed production. specialized staff to serve the cause of animal feed and in the field of self-FAY has adopted the most important principle. In this context, our factory will be constantly in science and technology. the researchers obtained the opinion of the expert researchers working in universities benefiting from national and international science and technology will follow a self-renewing business.
In our factory we have produced baits and all microbiological analysis of raw materials, food Maddle analysis done by experts to achieve the most reliable oath breeders agronomists are provided. At the same time going to think that now the concept of quality production using high quality raw materials and our commitment in this direction.