Oath Features:
• Provide early and healthy development of the Lambs.
• Speeding up the rumen development, provide more
benefit from the feed.
• High body weight gain, it allows for a profitable livestock.
• Due to its special formulation prevents the formation
of kidney stones and urinary.

Use an oath:
• 8. Starting the week should continue to be given until
the maturity segments.
• FAY LAMB FEEDING FEED FEED allows the early development
of healthy lambs fattened be drawn.
• Use more than feed the rumen development, and accelerating the parallel
rapid increase in body weight.
• Due to its special formulation prevents the formation of kidney stones
and urinary.
• FEED FAULT LAMB fodder is no need to adding vitamins and minerals.
• FAY LAMB FEEDING FEED FEED 3-4 provides an excellent growth performance
in fattening during the month.